Now a Days smartphones has the most important thing people used to buy almost everyone has their own smartphone where there are many phones we need so many companies tried to manufacturing their own phones but they did much well well this such jio LYF, Intex, Karbon, LG mobiles. There are many company which holds well Established and become more popular Such as ;-
1. Samsung
Samsung is south korean company that is one of the most widely producing of electronic devices. In quator 3 of year 2020 Samsung has holds the 47% of smartphones market and increasing more and more in over these years. The Company shipped 79.8 million phones during the third quarter and held 22% market share.
2. Huawei
Huawei becomes the 2nd most biggest smartphone company it is mainly Originated by Chinese manufacturer company and Ren Zhengfei is the main founder and Ceo. Huawei Holds 14% of market share in smartphones. Huawei Shipped 50.9 million Smartphones all Over the world in quarter in 3 of 2020.
3. Xiaomi
Xiaomi is the 3rd Largest company beat Apple on the spot and it is also originated by china. it also makes and invest in smartphones, mobiles app, home appliances, Bag, shoes and many more. it sell in 46.2 million smartphones and held market share upto 13% around the world. Did you know Xiaomi also has a sub branched company called poco4. Apple
Apple is the 4th biggest smartphones company. Apple is a unique them all 3rd. they had their own operating system and manufacturing is top noch. but its is more expensive than other company. it shipped 41,9 million of smartphones and help market share upto 11% growth and increasing year by year. Their Founders is Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in year April 1976. it is originated from America country.
5. Oppo
Oppo is also originated form china and their founder is Tony chen. it is shipped over 31 million smartphones over the world and hold share market upto 8% of share market and increase with 28% growth in quarter to quarter. Did you know oppo and vivo company has a same parent company called BBK Electronics. Their all companies are Oppo, Vivo, One Plus, Realme and iQoo
Vivo is the 6th most biggest smartphones companies in the world and it also originated from china and it shipped 31 million of smartphones all the world and it holds 8% of share market all over the world. and it is also called a sub branched company of Oppo
7. Nokia

8. Realme
Lenovo is the 8th biggest company all over the world and it is also originated from China and their founder of the company is Liu Chuanzhi and it Shipped over 10.9 million of smartphones all over the world. It holds the market share upto 3% world wide
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